Julie Warren
Marketing & Partnerships Director, Propel Finance
With over 35 years working to bring UK Businesses together with lenders I have experienced more than I could ever have imagined in one lifetime BUT so the journey continues as new products and services are developed, clients become more digital and demanding (quite rightly so!) and the UK traditional banking market has gone beyond what anyone could ever have anticipated.
What remains is my passion, enthusiasm and downright relentlessness for connecting businesses who need finance with a lender who will be able to provide them with something bespoke, something they can afford and something that will add real value to their business, allowing them to grow to their max.
Proud to have been leading the way in Fintech Sales and Marketing for the past 5 years across Brand and PR, Digital, Social Media, Lead Gen and much much more. Now working with one of the UK's top business schools as lead industry adviser for a new Msc in Fintech to build a new generation of entrepreneurs.