Here's why you should spend your day with PMW

Who are we bringing together?

  • Brands
  • Affiliates
  • Agencies
  • Networks
  • Other marketing partners 

If you fit this description then Performance Marketing World's Social Media Transformation is the event for you!

Past Event Attendees

What will be covered?

Our key conference themes include -

   >  E-Commerce on Social Platforms: Envisioning retail in the virtual world 
   >  Creativity through Performance Marketing: Strategising solutions to reignite media campaigns 
   >  Maximising your Metrics: Understand your audiences despite cookie confiscation

Why now?

Due to the dramatic shifts in effectiveness of social marketing since the proliferation of privacy, and the crackdown on social networks knowing anything about anyone. Brands must now adopt an 'adapt or die' mentality, and embrace the change forced upon us. New legislation, and changes to privacy and data sharing, have global implications. By bringing together platforms, technologists, and brands, we can better coordinate industry practices, policies and innovations. 

Now is the time marketers and advertisers can be more agile, creative, and exciting than ever before.

In the last few years, marketers have learnt they must be flexible and able to pivot when things change. But more than one-third of marketers surveyed, say that adapting to circumstances as they arise is still one of their top marketing challenges. What’s more, their customers' baseline expectation is a personalised and enjoyable experience. It’s now a balancing act. Marketers must balance their customers’ desires against their need for agility and adaptability.