Prema Chablani
Former CMO, Snag Tights
After almost a year at Dosadi Ventures, a digital marketing agency, as Head of Creative, Prema Chablani joined Snag Tights as Chief Marketing Officer in February 2019.
Following a successful first year of trading, Snag Tights were keen to sustain its ambitious growth and secure a new positioning as a leader in size inclusivity. Prema was quickly tasked with developing and delivering an integrated marketing strategy that engaged our customers, converted new audiences, and supported the brand’s hunger for international growth.
Now with the business in its third year, Prema is responsible for all marketing and advertising, brand development, and oversight of PR, as well as management of Snag Tights’ eight local websites (UK, US, AUS, DE, NL, FR, CA and Eurozone), content development, and growth into new channels.